Here is a peak into my world of preparedness…

For whatever reason, I have a natural inclination to be prepped and ready. Do you remember the old television show, Let’s Make a Deal? People would come on the show prepared with all types of crazy things in their bags. Well that’s me. I am the person you can count on to have bobby pins, scissors, a tape measure, insect repellant wipes, mini spray sanitizer, tissues, first aid remedies, a spare key, foldable shopping bags and more in her purse.

What about you? Why did you click on this article? Are you concerned about preparing for simple every day events? power outages? bad weather? natural disasters? lockdowns? loss of job/income? illness?  Any and all of these reasons are valid for developing a preparedness mindset and most of all for taking action.

For some, preparedness is having basic emergency and first aid supplies their car, purse or backpack. Others are also sure to have batteries, candles, flashlights and a generator at home. Still others have a 25 year supply of food, tents, solar generators and more.

I have an overwhelming amount of ideas to share with you to help you feel in control, prepared and protective of your family. There are so many ideas that I am sure a part 2  of this article will soon be in the works but for now here are some basics:

1-Make this a lifestyle, not a hoarding trip to the store. Each week, purchase whatever extra your budget allows. Create a plan and then a list to shop from.

2-Always have credit cards, spare cash and coins available, stored at home in a safely hidden but easily accessible fireproof and waterproof location. Have your important documents in the same type of safe location, ready to grab and go.

3-Create family meeting spots-one outside the home and another at a friend or relatives home where you know you will meet up if mobile phones go down. Also, have a family code word.  You may choose to trust a family friend or relative with a spare key to your home.

4-Store bottled water, water jugs that can be filled, a water bob for the tub and portable water filters.

5-Only purchase food that your family likes to eat. Plan meals and snacks that your family enjoys. Stock up on those foods. Include foods that can be eaten right from the package. Label expiration dates and rotate food in your pantry with the new food going to the back of the shelf. Buy only what can be eaten within the expiration date.

6-Have cold weather sleeping bags and a tent available. Wool socks and blankets, thermal clothing, hand, feet and body warmers are important for each member of the family.

7-Invest in a generator and/or a solar generator as well as solar power banks, sources of fuel, firewood, a fire pit and/or a BBQ grill. Batteries, candles, lanterns and flashlights, matches and lighters are also necessities.

8-Keep a well stocked supply of prescription and non prescription medicines, supplements and first aid treatments. Also have a back up supply of personal care items, health and beauty aids and cosmetics.

9-Fill up your gas tank whenever it is at half. Safely store extra gasoline. Date the gas container and add stabilizer. Keep your car in good working order. Do not put off car repairs. Have a bicycle with basket for each member of the family.

10-Charge up portable DVD players and laptops that have DVD drives so you can have entertainment when there is no power. Stock up on games, crafts, interesting reading material, audible books, exercise equipment, toys your children have not seen and other items to keep your family occupied. Have reading and other materials for spiritual support available.

Did You Know…         

It is important to have a well stocked supply of essential oils. With essential oils, you can make first aid remedies, ward off microbes, create natural cleaning products, sleep aids, digestive aids, bug repellant and also flavor food.

During a crisis situation, you can also use essential oils to find calm and ease anxiety as well as to make your environment smell warm and cozy.

You can easily order pure essential oils and start your wellness collection here .