I can still visualize the page in my college nutrition textbook, the page with the red flag on it. It had a tan color background, a lime green border and stood out from all the other white pages. What did it say? On that special page, it said how important it was to trust the source of our information. This was in 1977 , way before the internet. This was my very first awareness to think for myself and to question things.

As a home economics teacher, I purposely taught my students to think for themselves. Whether a human development, child development or sewing class, there was reason to think for yourself. Even the pattern companies made mistakes on their sewing directions. Still no internet yet, but I told my students just because something was printed in a book, written about in a magazine or shown on TV did not mean it was true. I brought in books and magazines that contained misinformation and conflicting information to show them.

As life went on, my spiritual awareness grew. I started to understand how to trust my instincts, gut feelings and knowingness. In the past, I would push this inner guidance away and sometimes I still catch myself trying to…but now I stop, remind myself of my inner wisdom and proceed accordingly.

So why did I title this, “Do Not Listen to Me”? It is because my truth is not your truth. This past year and and half, I learned the word, sovereign. Look it up. Do your research and due diligence. Do this with everything. Trust yourself. Please trust yourself. I know quite a few people who are sick right now because they went against their gut feelings, their inner knowing and did not do research. Instead, they blindly followed authority. Your intuition is a powerful gift.

Remember, I said that I taught my students that just because something was shown on tv does not mean it was true. Could I ever have imagined what I taught way back then, adding in internet skepticism over the years, would be so meaningful today? Apply this to yourself as you see fit. Own your power to think for yourself and to question.

This is what I did this past year instead of watching and being influenced by the news. I lived my life without fear, traveling in my own circles, happy, healthy, along with my children, friends and family. I created my own little slice of heaven on earth. I kept my eyes and ears open, heard the truth and prayed for those suffering. It wasn’t always easy but I found peace in what I did.

1-I advocated like hell for my son with special needs.

2-I created a comfortable, clean, cozy, wholesome and healthy home for my three children and myself.

3-I took many walks and bike rides, sometimes in new places, and something pushing more than I thought I could. I bought my children new bicycles.

4-I sewed and crafted.

5-I cooked and baked.

6-I researched, wrote, promoted and taught many different essential oils classes for a number of libraries.

7-I worked on my business and my social media platforms.

8-I worked with a personal/ business coach.

9-I attended classes and learned even more about essential oils.

10-I spent time in person and on the phone with awesome friends, many who were just acquaintances and now considered my dearest inner circle. Current events brought these soul sisters into my life.

11- I learned. I did research. I was discerning. I equipped myself with everything I need to keep my family healthy. I stocked up on supplies to maintain our healthy lifestyle.

12-I became a preparedness expert. I kept a well stocked pantry and emergency supplies.

13-I worked with professional organizers to keep my home neat, well organized and bring me peace.

14-I spent time in nature. I grounded, “earthing” barefoot on the earth. I gazed at the sky, looked at the trees, spent time by water.

15-I prayed the rosary.  I bonded with three other dear soul sisters. We say the rosary either in person or over zoom every week. We visited a beautiful shrine together.

16-I advocated for my daughter, my sons and their friends. I supported these wonderful, smart, insightful, aware young adults so that they could keep their personal freedoms intact.

17-I took care of my health, saw my doctors and dentist, took supplements and used lots of essential oils.

18-I planted a vegetable garden and grew cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplant.

Eighteen is a lucky number so let me stop here.

Did You Know…

I am so grateful for my education at Queens College. I honestly fill with tears of gratitude especially for my beyond words wonderful home economics professors and teachers who still have a lasting influence in my life.

As a child, I was constantly told I was shy and as a high school student told I shouldn’t become a teacher. Well I didn’t listen. The inner knowing was there before I ever knew there was an inner knowing.

I taught home economics (Family and Consumer sciences ) for 35 years. I not only taught it, I lived it and still do. What a blessing my profession is and how amazing that it blends in perfectly with my work with essential oils, natural products and advocacy.

Use your voice. Don’t let anyone shut you down. Stand by your beliefs. You will feel good even if you get push back. Be true to yourself and your “knowing.”  Live in your freedom and find your soul tribe.

If you are interested in bringing essential oils into your life, click here.