I love synchronicities, signs and messages. Starting this website and business saw me moving out of my comfort zone. I jumped into it with not much advanced planning and no business experience.  I guess you would say I took a leap of faith. When I was browsing through stock photos looking for my main website picture, I found the one that I ended up using. I wanted something that represented home (the bowl), health (the pomegranates), essential oils (the oil bottle) and spirit (the story I am about to tell you about the pomegranates).  When I first found the photo, I wanted to be sure it was the right one so I googled the meaning of pomegranates. A wonderful story came up about Jewish Symbolism of the pomegranate. The article said that a pomegranate is believed to have 613 seeds!   Why the exclamation point?  My birthday is June 13. Not only that but my sister and I were just having a discussion about how my father’s lucky number was 613.

The article went on to say that the 613 pomegrante seeds represented 613 mitzvot or commandments of the Torah. It also said pomegranates represent fruitfulness, knowledge, learning and wisdom. Although I am not Jewish, I love and resonate with Jewish tradition and love this symbolism.


Did you know…

Pomegranates are rich in Vitamin C, anitoxidants, and fiber. They contain Vitamin K, protein, folate, and potasium. They may lower the risk of many diseases.

Pomegranates can be used to top oatmeal, quinoa or organic yogurt.

Pomegranate juice easily stains your skin and surfaces. Be careful with it.

Pomegrantes and pomegratate juice can interfere with certain medications. Always check with your doctor or medical professional when making changes in diet.

I drink Ningxia Red which is made from wolfberries (goji berries). It is extremely high in anti-oxidants and nutrients…

Order Ningxia and Young Living Essential Oils Here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/referral/2330446

Here is the link to the article I found about Pomegranates and Jewish symbolism:   https://www.jewishgiftplace.com/Symbolism-Of-Pomegranate.html