I have fallen in love with elderberry syrup. It is now included in my natural wellness “Tool Kit” along with pure essential oils, silver, and some great natural supplements. One of the reasons I love using elderberry syrup is because it feels empowering to have a “take charge” routine when it comes to my own health.  Feeling strong, in control and connected to nature soothes my soul and brings peace of mind. Food is medicine. Plants and nature support health and healing.

Growing up, my world view of “medicine” consisted of orange baby aspirin, Alka-Seltzer and horrible tasting syrups in green pharmacy bottles.  Back then, getting and staying well always came in the form of a trip to the store for a package or bottle. As an adult, I have a different view. Plants are now my first line of defense against illness. They support my health and healing.

What are the benefits of taking elderberry syrup?

Elderberry syrup can support the immune system, help ward off colds and flu, ease symptoms and speed up recovery.

Elderberries are rich in powerful anti-oxidants called anthocyanins. They have double the amount of anthocyanins than any other fruit. This is what gives them the purple, almost black color. I exclusively use black elderberries in my homemade syrup.

Besides containing strong anti-oxidants, elderberries are high in Vit C and other vitamins. They may lessen inflammation, lessen stress and protect the heart.

Elderberry syrup is also used as a treatment for constipation, joint and muscle pain, headaches, skin health and so much more. Definitely do your research. There is so much information out there.

What are the benefits of making your own elderberry syrup?

You can use clean, pure, simple, natural ingredients.

Elderberry syrup needs a sweetener to make it into a syrup consistency and to preserve it. I use raw, unfiltered honey because it also has anti-bacterial properties. Honey also soothes a sore throat. If you are vegan, you can use a pure maple syrup, agave syrup, date syrup etc.

When I compared the ingredients in homemade syrup with store shelf varieties, I noticed the syrups sold in the store use glucose syrup or sugarcane as a sweetener. Their packages list the source of elderberry as fruit juice concentrate or elderberry extract. Some brands contain questionable chemical preservatives. One brand contained vegetable glycerine made from corn, elderberry flavor, and maltodextrin.

How Much Should I Take?

Preventative: Adults-1 Tablespoon per day

Start of Symptoms: 1-4 Tablespoons per day

Treating Cold or Flu: 1-2 Tablespoons, 3-4 times per day

Check with a medical professional for Children’s dosing. It is usually 1/2-1 teaspoon per day.



How Long Does It Stay Fresh?

There are many varied opinions on this. Tightly capped in the refrigerator, it should last at least two months. You can freeze elderberry syrup. Be sure to leave space in the container.

Did you know…

You can use elderberry syrup as a wonderful culinary addition drizzled on pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, yogurt or ice cream.

Never eat raw elderberries. They must be cooked. Raw elderberries may cause gastric distress

Elderberry was revered throughout history. Hippocrates called the elder tree his “medicine chest.”

Elderberries may stain. Be careful to protect your surfaces and your clothing when working with them.


My Favorite Elderberry Syrup Recipe

1 1/2 cup dried organic or wild crafted elderberries  (Sambucus nigra) 

4 cups filtered water

6 organic cinnamon sticks

1 organic orange, juiced, Set aside peel.

1 organic lemon, juiced, Set aside peel.

6-8 drops lemon vitality essential oil

1 cup raw, unfiltered honey (local if possible)

Optional: Additional vitality essential oils such as cinnamon, ginger, clove, 1 Tablespoon fresh or ground ginger and/or cloves

1-Place elderberries, cinnamon sticks, lemon peel , orange peel and water in an Instant Pot pressure cooker. Cook on high for 7 minutes. Then use “quick release.” Wait a few minutes until syrup is not boiling and is safe to handle with oven mitts.

2-Place a mesh strainer over a large measuring cup and carefully pour the syrup and the elderberries into the strainer. Liquid will collect into the measuring cup. Mash the elderberries to extract more liquid. 

*Use caution because the syrup can stain hands, clothing and surfaces.*

3-Let syrup cool to under 115°. Stir in juice from orange and lemon. Then add the honey and mix well.

4-Add 6-8 drops lemon vitality essential oil. 

5-Pour into glass jars. Seal tightly. Store in refrigerator.                                                      

*You may also follow this recipe using a saucepan on a stove top. Bring mixture to a boil and simmer for approximately 1 hour.

You Can Order Young Living Essential Oils Including Lemon Vitality Essential Oil Here