My husband Robert passed away in 2006. I miss him a lot and I find comfort in the signs he sends me. Robert used to work for the company that distributes Wise Potato Chips. There have been so many crucial times in my life or in the lives of my children when a Wise Potato Chip truck would pass at just the right moment and we knew he was watching over us. Before Robert passed away, I very rarely saw a truck painted with Wise logos because most of the delivery men drive a solid gray van. Today, Robert sent me more signs. This morning I attended a monthly spiritual development class. Most of the class members have psychic abilities. One woman whom I never met before, gave me a reading.  She stopped me minutes after she was finished to say that she kept getting a strong R. I knew it was Robert. After class, I went home for a short while and then headed over to my dentist a few towns away in Franklin Square.

Robert’s office was in the town of New Hyde Park. I knew the address was 2000 Plaza Ave. because of paperwork that he would bring home. Life was so busy when Robert was alive. Our children were young and I was teaching. There was never an opportunity for me to see where he worked.  About a year ago, my daughter, Nicole was at a soccer practice in New Hyde Park. I had time while I waited for her so out of curiosity, I put 2000 Plaza Ave. in the GPS and found the office Building. Although it was dark, I took  pictures because there was a big owl sign lit up. For years now, Wise trucks and owls have been our sign from Robert.

After my dentist appointment, I put my home address in the WAZE app because being late in the afternoon, I thought there may be traffic on my usual route, the Southern State Parkway. In that case, the GPS will take me on another road, Hempstead Turnpike. Today it did something totally different, directing me to go north and to take Jericho Turnpike even though I live south of where I was located. I thought, why not, I will try it and learn another route. So I headed north expecting to be told to make a right turn on the direct route, Jericho Turnpike. Instead the GPS had me make a right one block sooner on a side street, Plaza Ave! I had not realized that Plaza Ave. was accessible from where I was. I knew it was a sign from Robert so I went to the end of the block to his old office and took some pictures of all the owl signs. Then I turned around in the parking lot to leave and the license plate of the car in front of me had the numbers 1111.

Did you know…

The name of the Wise Owl is Peppy.                                                                                                                                                                 

Robert once had to wear a Peppy costume at a supermarket opening. He was not happy about it.

My niece Stephanie has a tattoo of an owl in honor of her Uncle Robert.

Robert was the best story teller and could make people roar with laughter. Our family and friends still tell his stories over and over.

Robert was a friend to all and could talk to anyone about anything and instantly, they were his friend.