I felt very sad today. I must admit, part of it was feeling sorry for myself. I just didn’t think anything could lift my spirits and I had no motivation to do anything.  Then I remembered something I had been told more than once before, to accept my feelings and to have compassion for myself. Once I did that, I started to think about how good I have it and how many blessings I have in my life. One small step naturally lead to another small step and another. Now I feel much happier and energized. This is what I did:

1-Accepted my feelings with compassion for myself. It is ok to feel sad. It is normal. (I didn’t want to dwell in it so after acceptance I went to step 2.)

2-Thought about my many blessings with the realization that so many others have more serious issues in their lives.

3-Drank an all natural drink, Ningxia Zyng which always gives me a lift and which is a special treat for me. It is infused with Young Living Essential Oils.

4-Put Frankincense Essential Oil all over my face and breathed it in deeply.

5-Made a cleansing and invigorating body scrub with Himalyan Sea Salt, Peppermint Essential Oil, Unscented Glycerin Soap and Organic Fractionated Coconut oil.

6-Took a shower, shutting off the warm water a few times for a blast of cold water. I used Peppermint Cedarwood Soap. Then I used the salt body scrub and then washed my hair.

7-Got Dressed and blew out my hair.

8-Felt happy with how I was feeling so I wrote this blog.

9-Got ready to go for a walk in the park.

Did you know…

The Young Living Products I mentioned were significant in my mood change. Nature Heals. Plants Heal. Essential Oil molecules reach the emotional part of the brain.

Young Living Essential Oils and products are the only completely natural, pesticide free, unmanipulated and unadultered essential oils. They work because they are pure plant products.

If you start your wellness journey with Young Living and me, I will send you a starter pack of how to booklets and will share lots of information about essential oils and emotions. Plus you will be a part of a very large, supportive and informative Young Living Group: TriHarmony Oilers

Using Young Living Essential Oils and products are how I practice extreme self care for me and my family.

The cleansing scrub is easy to make. There is no recipe. Combine ingredients until you have the consistency you like and add a few drops of the Young Living Essential Oil of your choice.

I am not a medical professional. Above is my story about what I did for myself today for mild sadness. Always consult a medical professional for yourself and your situation.

Want to get some Young Living Essential Oils for yourself? Click Here: Start Your Wellness Journery With Young Living Here