In this hot summer heat, I hope you find space for a quieter and a slower paced day. Using essential oils  can keep you feeling much cooler and more comfortable. Some things you can do to feel better are to make a cold compress for your neck, a cool-down foot bath, a chilled freshening spray, diffuse the air with cooling aromas and apply peppermint essential oil, to the back of your neck and shoulders for instant cooling relief. Here are some recipes to use as a guide.

Cool Down Foot Bath

1 cup sea salt or Epsom Salt

12 drops of Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil

4 drops Young Living Clary Sage Essential Oil

Add salt to the foot tub. Mix the essential oils into the salt and add very cool water. Soak your feet for a 15-30 minutes and relax. 


Cold Compress

3-5 drops of Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil

3-5 drops of Young Living Clary Sage Essential Oil (or substitute spearmint, eucalyptus or lavender essential oil for the clary sage)

1 teaspoon salt

ice water

Place salt in a bowl large enough to fit a hand towel. Mix essential oils into the salt. Add ice water. Soak towel. Wring out towel and wrap around your neck for cooling, soothing comfort.


Refreshing Chilled Cooling and Calming Lavender Spray

20 drops of  Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

1 teaspoon liquid consistency pure organic aloe vera gel (optional)

Distilled water

1-2 ounce glass spray bottle

Add essential oil and optional aloe vera gel to spray bottle. Fill with distilled water. Chill in refrigerator. Spray on Face (closed eyes) and body. Carry with an ice pack for on the go refreshing and cooling. An alternative to making your own spray is Young Living’s Lavaderm Spray.


Cooling Diffused Air

Here are some cooling diffusing ideas:

It is nice to have the room very cool with an air conditioner and/or fan on.

Diffuse peppermint or peppermint mixed with spearmint or clary sage for a refreshing feel to the room. Wintergreen and Spearmint are also refreshing.

At bedtime, diffuse a tree oil such as Pine, Cypress or Northern Lights Black Spruce. Make sure the sheets are clean, cool and crisp. Wrap an ice pack in a small towel and place in a plastic bag. Move it around your sheets to cool them down further. Keep it in the bed to keep it chilled. It will feel like you are sleeping or napping outdoors undert the trees. on a cool evening.

*There is nothing more refreshing than clean and pure indoor air free of toxic residue. Clean air conditioner filters, fan and diffusers with Thieves Household Cleaner. You can also spray Thieves Spray near the source of the a/c and fan blowing air…and eliminate toxic household cleaners and products from your home. Remember lots of plants too!


AC In A Bottle

20 drops Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil

10 drops Young Living Wintergreen Essential Oil (optional)

Distilled Water

1 ounce glass spray bottle

Optional: 1 teaspoon liquid consistency pure organic aloe vera gel

Add all ingredients to spray bottle. Keep chilled in refrigerator or with a cold pack on the go. Spray on back of neck, shoulders, arms and legs to cool down on a hot, humid day. Avoid face and eyes.

Remember to stay hydrated and to find a local cooling station if indoor and outdoor heat are oppressive.


Click Here To Order Young Living Essential Oils