These sprays will keep your home smelling fresh and clean without the use of toxic chemicals. Try them in the bathroom, kitchen, play room, pet areas, garage and basement too.

Bathroom Fresh Spray

In a 1 ounce glass bottle, add 15 drops of Purification, 15 drops of Lemongrass and 15 drops of Grapefruit Essential Oils. Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel or vodka. Fill bottle with distilled water, leaving room for sprayer top. Shake well before using.

Before You Go Spray

In a 2 ounce spray bottle add 20 drops Bergamot, 20 drops Eucalyptus, 20 drops Grapefruit and 20 drops Lemongrass Essential Oils. Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel or vodka.  Fill bottle with distilled water,  leaving room for sprayer top. Shake well before using.  Spray generously in toilet to eliminate odor before it begins.

Purification and Lemon Spray

In a 1 ounce glass spray bottle, add 5 drops of Purification and 5  drops of Lemon Essential Oil. Add 1 teaspoon witch hazel or vodka. Fill bottle with distilled water,  leaving room for spray top.  Shake well before using.

Thieves Spray

In a 1 ounce glass spray bottle, add 10 drops of Thieves Essential Oil. Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel or vodka. Fill bottle with distilled water, leaving room for sprayer top. Shake well before using.

Orange and Citrus Spray

In a 1 ounce glass spray bottle, add 10 drops of Orange and 10 drops of Citrus Fresh Essential Oils. Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel or vodka. Fill bottle with distilled water, leaving room for sprayer top. Shake well before using.

Home Freshener Spray

In a 1 ounce glass spray bottle, add 6 drops of Purification, 6 drops of Thieves, 4 drops of Lavender and 4 drops of Lemon Essential Oils. Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel or vodka. Fill bottle with distilled water leaving room for sprayer top. Shake well before using.

Did You Know…

Conventional air freshener sprays, plug ins and scented candles most likely contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals can be toxic to your lungs, skin and internal organs. You can look up safety ratings of these products as well as your cleaning products on

Essential Oil Sprays are 100% plant based. They smell fresh and natural.

Essential Oils can dissolve toxic chemicals that make up plastic. It is best to use glass bottles for essential oil sprays.

Remember to open your windows when possible and have home vents, ducts etc. cleaned for healthy home air quality.

To order your own Young Living Essential Oils and Starter Kits, click here.