Stressed? Overwhelmed? Too many thoughts running through your head?

Take a peaceful pause. For the moment, shift your focus toward tending to yourself.  Take a deep breath and let out a big sigh. Consider nurturing yourself with gifts from the earth-plants and the essential oils they produce. Essential oils will make a difference in your life, in your wellness and in your frame of mind.

Have live plants in every room of your home. Spend a lot of time in nature, especially barefoot connecting with the earth and…..did I mention, use essential oils-a lot.

Essential oils help alleviate stress as you breathe them in. Whether from the bottle, a diffuser or the palm of your hand, essential oil molecules will quickly reach the emotional center of your brain. You can also apply them to your wrists, shoulders, back of neck, heart center, spine or bottom of feet. Dilute if necessary. A warm bath with essential oil infused Epsom Salt can also do wonders in helping you relax.

For Calming, popular essential oils include: Lavender, Seedlings Calm, Stress-Away, Frankincense and Peace and Calming.

For Uplifting, citrus oils are great choice to diffuse on a gray type of day. Some favorites are orange, tangerine, grapefruit and Citrus Fresh.

For Grounding and Centering, favorites include vetiver, Rutavala, cedarwood, palo santo, Valor and sage.

I only suggest using only use Young Living Essential Oils because they are pure, grown without pesticides and contain no solvents and no synthetic fragrance. 



Did You Know…

Alternating breathing in Frankincense and Valor essential oils is a very calming practice.

Tree Oils are grounding because their energy is that of being rooted firmly to the earth.

You can safely use Young Living Essential Oils to help calm your dog. Vetiver often works wonders for anxious dogs. Remember, dogs have a very heighten sense of smell so start very slowly and only use a tiny bit of essential oil at a time, on yourself, especially as your dog gets used to it.


Stress Relief Roller Recipe:

In a 10ml roller bottle, add 15 drops each of Stress Away, Orange and Grapefruit Essential Oils. Top off with a carrier oil such as Young Living’s V6 or fractionated coconut oil.




Order Young Living Oils by Clicking Here.

Feel free to contact me for assistance with ordering.

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