One day, we will be telling our children and grandchildren stories about the “covid days” and what life was like for us. We will talk about what a profound impact this experience had on our sense of normalcy.

Right now, we may feel mentally stuck and physically exhausted, very worried about our health, our loved ones and our finances. Here are a few ways to deal with the uncertainty and overflowing stress you may be experiencing.

1-Do things that make you feel empowered and in control. For example, each week buy extra food, water, health and beauty products, first aid supplies, medications, supplements. Create a list so you know what is in your inventory. If another lockdown occurs, you will have the security of knowing you have on hand all or most of what you and your family need. At the very least, you will be able to shop at home during the winter months and you won’t over buy because you will know what is on your inventory list.

2-Be creative. Indulge in your passions and learn new things. Gather supplies to have on hand. Will you be writing music, painting, sewing or crafting? Will you clean out closets, paint the walls or refinish furniture? Will you start that novel you always wanted to write? learn a new language? try some new recipes? get back into reading? start a business? If you find it hard to get started, just take the first step.

3-Connect with people. Whether in person, via the computer or on the phone, enjoy and interact.  See people, touch and hug your loved ones, laugh with others, take long walks, share a meal. Reach out to those that you may have lost touch with. People need people. Check on others. Offer help to your neighbors, friends and family. Get to know your neighbors. Do something to contribute to your community.

4-Let nature nourish you. Practice grounding/earthing, Go for a drive. Spend  time at a beach, park, preserve or lake. Gaze at the sky and at trees.  Enjoy animals. Get fresh air. Open your windows and let fresh air in. Soak up sunshine and daylight.

5-Move your body. Walk, run or bicycle. Do yard work. Participate in a community sport. While indoors, have fun with Wii Fit or exercise videos. Dust off the treadmill. Use it even for a few minutes a day. You will feel so much better. Lift a few weights, jump rope, hula hoop or stretch-whatever feels good for you.

6-Create a new habit and release an old one.

7-Indulge in rest, rejuvenation, peaceful sleep and relaxation time. Enjoy such things as Netflix or Hallmark movies, soothing music, meditation or journaling. Discover hygge and make your home a cozy haven.

8-Breathe in the goodness of essential oils. Let them lift your spirits, make your body look beautiful, help you relax, make your home smell cozy and keep you and your loved ones healthy.

Did you know…

to only stock up on things your family actually likes to eat and actually will use. As time goes on, you will use or rotate your surplus-you can shop at your own store.

in addition to basic supplies, it feels good to know your family has all the emergency supplies you may need such as batteries, flashlights, power banks, radios, sleeping bags etc.

you can be proactive with your health and focus on prevention. Learn how to keep your body strong and boost immunity.

it is very important to seek professional help for yourself or others if needed. Don’t be afraid to have conversations about mental well-being.

Here is a link to order Young Living Essential Oils: Click Here and be sure to use #2330446 as your enroller and sponsor or email Janice at

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